How to Increase Instagram Followers

How To Increase Instagram Followers

Instagram is one of the most engaging platforms for building a brand, promoting a business, or becoming an influencer. Nowadays millions of users are using Instagram, and standing out to grow their Instagram followers. In this blog, we’ll share some steps to grow your Instagram audience organically.

1. Improve your Instagram Profile 

1. Upload a high-quality image on your profile picture.

2. Your Bio should quickly explain who you are, what you do, and why people should follow you. Use keywords that reflect your brand, and include a clear call-to-action (CTA), such as “Shop now,” “Follow for tips,” or “DM for inquiries.”

3. Add all your social media account links in your bio so that people can contact you.

2. Consistently Posting 

Engage with your audience on a daily basis , and upload high-quality posts and reels. Posting consistently keeps your audience engaged and your account active. Ideally, aim to post 3-5 times a week. You can also experiment with different posting times to find when your audience is most active.

3. Use SEO keywords instead of hashtags

SEO keywords are a great way to reach users who don’t follow you yet but are interested in similar content. They help categorize your content and expand its visibility.

Create your own keyword that aligns with your brand and encourage your followers to use it. It can be a campaign-specific keyword or one that’s used by your brand consistently

4. Engage with Your Audience.

  • Reply to comments on your posts. This shows that you value your followers and encourage them to interact more.
  • Like and comment on posts from users in your niche. They might check out your profile and follow you in return.
  • Host giveaways or contests to encourage participation and attract new followers.

5. Collaborate with Influencers 

Partnering with influencers or other brands in your niche can expose your account to a broader audience.

  • Find influencers with a similar audience size or slightly larger.
  • Offer something valuable in return, such as a product sample, a shoutout, or co-hosting a live session.
  • Influencer collaborations can boost followers.

6. Create Valuable Content

People follow accounts that offer value, whether through entertaining, inspiring, or educational content. So create content according to our niche. Don’t confuse your audience by uploading uneven content.

7. Create Instagram Reels

Reels are a powerful way to reach a broader audience. Instagram is pushing Reels, and users are more likely to discover new accounts through this feature.

  • Create Engaging Reels: Make short, engaging videos related to your niche. Reels can include tutorials, funny skits, or behind-the-scenes content.
  • Use Trending Music: Adding popular music or sound effects can increase your chances of getting featured on the Explore page.

8. Cross Promote on Other Platforms

Promote your Instagram on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to drive traffic to your account.

  • Share Instagram Posts on Facebook: If you have a Facebook following, sharing your Instagram posts or Reels can bring those followers over to Instagram.
  • Add Instagram Links to Your Blog or Website: If you have a blog or website, make sure to add Instagram follow buttons or post links.

9. Avoid fake Instagram followers

We’ll get fake followers too for the sake of quick growth, but fake followers will hurt your account in the long run.

  • Lower Engagement: Fake followers don’t engage with your content, which will reduce your overall engagement rate. Instagram’s algorithm rewards engagement, so a low rate can limit your reach.
  • Lack of Trust: Authenticity is key to building a loyal audience. Real followers can usually spot when an account has a lot of fake followers, and this can damage your credibility.
  • Risk of Being Penalized: Instagram has strict guidelines against fake followers and may penalize. This could severely limit your visibility on the platform.

So, build your Instagram followers with an organic strategy such as quality content, engaging with the audience, and many more.

10. Schedule Instagram posts in advance

Consistency is key when growing your Instagram following, and scheduling posts in advance helps you stay organized and maintain a steady flow of content without last-minute stress.

  • Use Scheduling Tools:  Now Instagram has in build feature of scheduling the reels or posts. You can use other Tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Later allow you to plan and schedule posts in advance. You can set specific times to post when your audience is most active.
  • Maintain Consistency: Scheduling ensures you post consistently, which helps keep your followers engaged and boosts your visibility on Instagram’s algorithm.
  • Free Up Time: By planning and scheduling your content ahead of time, you can focus on other aspects of your strategy like engaging with your audience or creating new content.

Scheduling posts also helps you maintain a regular posting rhythm, which is crucial for sustained growth.

11. Organize Top Stories as Highlights

Highlights are groups of select old (expired) stories. You can organize them by theme or topic, such as Q&As, tips, or events — making it easier for people to find relevant stories. 

They’re also located at the top of your profile, which makes users more likely to check them first before scrolling down to your posts. Think of Highlights as a curated portfolio that showcases the best of your brand.

12. Go Live on Instagram

Host Instagram Live sessions to interact with your audience directly. This helps foster real-time engagement and build a sense of community.

For example, you could host virtual events like product launches, show quick tutorials, or simply have candid chats and Q&A sessions. If you’re an e-commerce store, users can even shop your products in real time.

Plus, you can share these Live streams as stories that last for 24 hours, allowing followers who missed out to catch up later.

13. Keep a Consistent Content Calendar

A content calendar is an essential tool for staying organized and consistent with your Instagram strategy. It helps you plan posts in advance, so you’re never scrambling for content at the last minute. With a well-structured calendar, you can maintain a balance of different types of posts, ensure variety, and keep your followers engaged.

How to Set Up a Content Calendar

  • Choose Your Content Types: Decide on the types of content you want to post—such as quotes, tutorials, product highlights, user-generated content, and behind-the-scenes posts.
  • Schedule in Advance: Plan your content at least a week or a month in advance using tools like Buffer, Later, or Hootsuite. This lets you focus on creating quality content without the pressure of daily posting.
  • Use Key Dates and Trends: Incorporate relevant holidays, special events, or trending topics into your calendar to make your posts timely and relatable.
  • Leave Room for Flexibility: While planning is important, leave some space for spontaneous posts or breaking news relevant to your audience.

By maintaining a content calendar, you can keep your Instagram feed fresh and engaging while staying on top of your posting schedule.

14. Analyze and Create Your Strategy 

Understanding what works for your audience and what doesn’t is important.

  • Use Instagram Insights: Check Instagram Insights to track which posts perform best and when your audience is most active. Use this information to refine your content strategy.
  • Experiment and Learn: Try different types of content like videos, carousels, or stories and see what gets the most engagement. Adjust your strategy based on the results.


Growing your Instagram followers takes time, but with consistent effort, engaging content, and the right strategies, you can see significant growth. Remember to stay authentic and provide value to your audience, as this will attract loyal followers who are genuinely interested in your content.

I hope By following these 14 steps, you’ll be well on your way to growing a strong and engaged Instagram community.